Please see our Facebook Page for more information on Events. Past Events include:
Pool Tournament 19th October 2012 8 kids played in a Pool Tournament against Uckfield Churchcombe Youth. Winner on the night was Callum Best - well done. The kids were well behaved and had a great time in the Youth Facility that Churchcoombe are able to have use of. We would now like to orgnise a Laser Quest Trip so if you are interested please contact Jo (0771 261 1209)
March 2012 An NHS Sussex Grant was obtained for Active Play Sessions which were held on Adam Field in April/May/June 2012
Adam Field has undergone Landscaping which has included two picnic areas as well as trees, bushes and hedging on the perimeter fences of Adam Close. This will provide shade during the summer but we need to look after these trees so they can grow and benefit everyone. Please keep an eye on them - it's your park and you have helped to make it this good so far.
2010 Events. East Sussex Cup Winners - Amicus Horizon Albion in the Community Age Group 7-10 Team Frank, Callum, Kieron, Charlie, Sam, Bayley and Charlie Age Group 11-13 Team Ben, Jack, Callum, Jamie Lee, Ryan, Jake, Ben, Charlie Thanks to Tom for helping to organise, Deborah & Garry for being "responsible" and mums who attended. Well done to all the lads who played - double victory - yes!!!
Useful contacts:
Clued Up 01892 661990 Email
GRANTS. £2700 Wealden Community Grant - to assist with Outings, Equipment for Youth Club and Pantomime Trip Christmas 2010!
£1000 Grassroots Grant from Sussex Community Foundation was used for the Brighton & Hove Albion football Coaching. Many thanks to both organisations.
Youth Trip - 6th March 2010
Thanks to a grant application made by the members
of the Youth Club, we went to Amazon Adventures.
Pictures can be found on the photos page.
A great time was had by all with the Quad Bikes being
a particular favourite. Thanks to Tom for his work in
helping to organise this! For info go to their website at
Adam Field Alderbrook Community Association & Orbit South successfully bid for £33,865 of funding from the Orbit Group Community Initiative fund as contribution towards the Adam Field project, specifically for the redevelopment of the Adam Field young children's play area. Many thanks to Orbit and Crowborough Town Council who will manage the project and maintain the equipment. This will complement the new equipment for older children recently installed so all age groups are now catered for. |